Grafikdesign: „Redressing the Imbalance“-Broschüre von FLAC

Dieser Bericht der Organisation FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) setzt sich für eine grundlegende Reform des irischen Konsumentenschutzes im Bereich der Finanzdienstleistungen ein.

Für diese 220-seitige Broschüre sowie die Executive Summary mit 16 Seiten habe ich Entwurf, Gestaltung und Coverfotografie übernommen.


FLAC published a major report on the Irish system of dealing with consumer debt issues in 2014, containing not only an analysis of our current consumer protections in the area but also a section containing primary research and interviews with participants. Sanja’s design of this very lengthy report and its executive summary made it very readable and accessible – especially her use of QRcodes for the reference section! She was ready to help all through the proofing process and made it very easy for us to adjust layout and text, and the geographical distance did not pose any problems for us. Finally, she delivered on time and in budget! We were delighted with the result and have no hesitation in recommending Sanja for high-quality, cost-effective design work.Yvonne Woods. Communications Manager, Free Legal Advice Centres (Ireland)